Retreat Evenings

Marriage Enrichment Retreat Evenings are a time for husbands and wives (or people thinking of becoming husbands and wives) to spend time focused on the most important relationship they will have with another human.  The way we look at it, if you treat your marriage as if it were delicate china, it will be as rugged as a Bubba mug; however, if you treat it like a Bubba mug,  it will shatter like fine china.  These evenings are a time to focus on each other and nurture your relationship.  We are offering a place for couples to grow together as they delve into topics and acquire tools to navigate deeper into communication.

Marriage Enrichment Retreat Evenings are designed to be a time to celebrate our marriages as we all learn from and support each other.  There are no “experts”, only people who care about their marriages and want to make them the best they possibly can be.

We meet on the first and third Sundays of the month 7pm-8:30pm in south Blue Springs. We are currently working through Mark Driscoll’s Real Marriage curriculum; however, each evening is designed to follow the needs of the group at that moment in time.  Contact us for directions, we’d love to see you there!

Because some of the topics are very sensitive, we are asking that other plans be made for children so everyone can speak freely without the fear of being overheard by little ears.  We have tried in the past to provide a separate area for the kids, but we found it really hinders the adults’ ability to speak honestly.

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